What are AI Crypto Coins?

8 min readApr 13, 2023


An In-depth Study of AI Crypto Coins and its Prospects for the Web3 Industry


With its potential to completely change several industries, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in the technology and financial industries. Interestingly, AI backed Crypto Coins have emerged in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, as a unique addition to the market. These coins utilize AI algorithms and machine learning models to perform tasks and improve efficiency in various ways.

These coins have emerged to fill certain gaps in the crypto and blockchain industry, making it more accessible and efficient for investors. With its potential to streamline processes and create new opportunities, they are poised to play a significant role in the future of finance and the world economy.

This article, which is more of an educational content, provides a comprehensive overview of AI Coins, including how they work, and some of the AI projects in the crypto market. Additionally, it provides a guide on how to buy these Coins, equipping users with the tools needed to take advantage of this emerging market.

What Are AI Coins? A Dynamic Investment Option for Crypto Investors and Traders

AI crypto coins, also referred to as artificial intelligence cryptocurrency, are a type of digital asset that integrates artificial intelligence technology into its operations. The projects behind these coins provide a dedicated platform for AI and machine learning researchers and developers to create and test new models, applications, and algorithms within a decentralized space.

What sets AI crypto coins apart from conventional cryptocurrencies is their ability to study market patterns, predict future trends, and execute automated trades using machine learning algorithms and natural language processing. With their capacity to learn and adjust to market developments, investors view these coins as a more dynamic and responsive investment option.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence technology is used by AI cryptocurrencies to enhance network security. Some coins leverage facial recognition technology to authenticate transactions and prevent fraud.

Further, AI coins are digital assets utilized for AI-based crypto projects. These coins enable Al to be integrated into various projects such as asset management, price predictions, DAOs, and fraud detection. Similar to most crypto coins, AI-backed coins provide governance rights or rewards to users and can be used for various transactions.

How Do AI Coins Work? Optimizing Trading Efficiency

AI crypto coins operate by harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence to make more informed trading decisions and optimize transaction efficiency on the blockchain.

Here is a step-by-step guide of how AI crypto coins function:

  • Collection of Data: AI-powered cryptocurrencies gather information from diverse sources, such as news, articles, social media, and market patterns. The data is then analyzed using machine learning algorithms to detect trends and forecast market behavior.
  • Trading Strategy: Based on the analysis, the AI system creates a trading plan that specifies when to buy, sell or hold assets. This decision-making process is carried out autonomously, without human input.
  • Execution: After deciding on a trading strategy, the AI system effectively uses smart contracts to execute trades. These automated agreements self-execute and operate independently when specific criteria are met.
  • Learning and Improvement: AI coins employ machine learning algorithms to continuously learn and improve their performance. The system can evaluate the outcomes of previous transactions and adjust its tactics accordingly to enhance success in the future. The ongoing learning and development process is aimed at making AI crypto coins more efficient and adaptable.

A Study of Some Al Crypto Projects

Let’s take a look at some outstanding AI crypto projects in the Web3 industry.

  • Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)

The Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) is an open-source platform that enables businesses and individuals to transact and commercialize data, as well as provide data-driven services. The protocol guarantees secure and transparent data management, offering developers the ability to create applications that utilize its various functions.

The Ocean Protocol ensures secure data access from diverse public and private repositories and provides a secure data marketplace for trading data assets. Furthermore, the protocol provides data analysis tools for creating predictive models and analyzing vast datasets; thereby prioritizing data privacy, and allowing users to manage data accessibility while benefiting from it.

  • Fetch.ai (FET)

Fetch.ai is an open-access blockchain network that integrates decentralized AI and machine learning to enable limited human involvement in the digital economy. The platform features a decentralized network of agents, data, systems, and digital assets that can interact to provide services. Its native token, FET, incentivizes network participants, enables transactions, and rewards miners. Developers can build autonomous agents that interact with the network, allowing for optimization in various sectors such as smart homes, transportation, and supply chains.

  • Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI)

Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI) is a utility token used by the AI Protocol and its decentralized applications. The AI Protocol is a property rights backbone for the Generative AI economy, allowing for the creation, interoperability, and governance of AI characters and assets. The protocol self-enforces rules set by ALI token holders, providing a secure environment for the trading of tokenized AI assets. Alethea AI is a research and development studio that partners with others to advance the development and adoption of the AI Protocol, with the aim of enabling democratic and decentralized ownership of AI.

  • SingularityNET (AGIX)

SingularityNET is an open-source protocol that enables developers to monetize AI services on a distributed network. It uses the Ethereum blockchain and tokenized incentives to coordinate stakeholders and create an efficient marketplace for buying and selling AI services. SingularityNET allows developers to build AI applications that interact with other network applications, providing access to a vast array of AI algorithms and data sources. It also enables secure and trusted coordination for the development of complex multi-agent systems.

  • DeepBrain Chain (DBC)

DeepBrain Chain is a distributed AI computing platform built on the blockchain that enables for secure, private, and cost-effective use of AI capabilities. Users can rent computing power from others on the network, reducing the cost of running AI applications. The platform has been used by large corporations for developing cloud-based games, semiconductor simulations, and pharmaceuticals; and includes a privacy layer to protect sensitive data.

  • Numerai (NMR)

Numerai is a blockchain-based hedge fund management and trading platform that leverages a cryptocurrency token called Numeraire (NMR). NMR is used to reward traders for making accurate predictions about market movements, which allows hedge funds and other institutions to access advanced trading strategies without expensive infrastructure or specialized personnel. Numerai offers two applications, including weekly tournaments where users can submit algorithms to predict market movements, and a signal competition that rewards participants with NMR for making successful predictions using fundamental or technical indicators.

How are AI Coins different from other Cryptocurrencies

AI Coins are typically constructed on a blockchain platform that incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to enhance their capabilities. In contrast, BTC and most altcoins do not feature these elements.

AI Coins usually aim to provide solutions for specific industries, such as healthcare, supply chain management, or advertising. By leveraging AI, they can optimize their performance, accuracy, and efficiency, potentially offering a competitive edge over BTC and other altcoins. Additionally, AI Coins may also use different mining or consensus mechanisms than BTC and other altcoins.

Further, AI cryptocurrencies can also differ in their governance models and community involvement, with some utilizing decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) or other forms of decentralized decision-making processes. This allows for greater community participation and control over the operation of the cryptocurrency, which may not be possible with BTC and other altcoins that have a more centralized governance structure.

Regulatory Landscape for AI Coins

The regulatory landscape for AI coins is still evolving, and it varies by jurisdiction. In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has indicated that certain AI coins may be considered securities and subject to registration and disclosure requirements under U.S. securities laws. However, the determination of whether an AI coin is considered a security is based on the Howey Test, which is a fact-specific analysis that depends on the specific features and characteristics of the coin and the underlying transaction.

The impact of the regulatory landscape on investors can be significant. Regulations are put in place to protect investors from fraudulent activities, market manipulation, and other potential risks. However, regulatory uncertainty can also create challenges for investors, particularly in terms of determining the legal status of an AI coin, the obligations of issuers, and the potential risks associated with investing in them.

Investors need to be aware of the regulatory landscape for AI coins in their jurisdiction and carefully evaluate the potential risks and benefits of investing in them. They should also seek legal and financial advice before making any investment decisions to ensure they comply with relevant regulations and mitigate any potential risks. In the case of AI coins in the United States, investors should pay attention to whether the specific AI coin they are considering meets the criteria of the Howey Test, as this will impact whether it is considered a security and thus, subject to SEC registration and disclosure requirements.

Prospects of AI Crypto Coins

The prospects of AI Coins are highly dependent on how the technology evolves and how the regulatory landscape develops. However, there are several potential areas of growth and innovation for AI Coins in the coming years.

One area of potential growth is the development of AI-based financial products and services. AI Coins could potentially be used to create investment strategies, provide financial advice, and automate trading based on machine learning algorithms. This could offer investors new opportunities to diversify their portfolio and access sophisticated financial tools.

Another area of potential growth is the expansion of AI Coins into new industries beyond finance. For example, AI Coins could be used in healthcare to securely store and share medical data or in supply chain management to track the movement of goods and reduce fraud.

In addition, advancements in blockchain technology could potentially enable AI Coins to have greater utility, such as enabling faster and cheaper transactions or facilitating peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding. This could increase the overall adoption and use of AI Coins.

However, there are also potential challenges and risks associated with the future of AI Coins. For example, the regulatory landscape could become more restrictive, which could limit the growth and innovation of AI crypto projects.

Additionally, there are concerns about the security and privacy of AI Coins, which could impact their adoption and use.

Are AI Coins a Good Investment?

It is important to consider financial objectives and tolerance for risk when determining whether investing in AI cryptocurrency is advisable. Although this asset class is relatively new, it has the potential for significant growth. Nonetheless, like any investment, there is also the possibility of financial losses. Incorporating cryptocurrencies into one's investment portfolio requires specialized skills and a considerable amount of patience.

However, the utilization of AI algorithms, big data processing, and machine learning can assist new investors in navigating this complex field. There are now technologically advanced tools that can help level the playing field for small-scale retail traders. Additionally, the implementation of AI and blockchain technology can enhance the security of the investment by protecting it from hacking.

Nevertheless, prior to investing in any AI crypto projects or cryptocurrencies, it is imperative to conduct thorough research, seek expert advice and evaluate all associated risks.

How to Buy AI Coins?

You can buy AI Coins from a decentralized exchange (DEX), or from centralized crypto exchange, (CEX) such as Binance, Coinbase, Gate.io, etc by creating and verifying your account. Usually, you will be required to pass KYC and in some cases AML checks. Once completed you are ready to go through a simple process to buy the AI Coins of your choice either using fiat currency or by exchanging with other crypto coins you hold.


Using AI technology, machine learning algorithms, and natural language processing, AI crypto coins can study market patterns, predict future trends, and execute automated trades, thereby increasing investors' return on investment.




Tech Enthusiast. Web3 Researcher. Content Writer. Let's connect on Twitter: @KingJulesPaul & Telegram: @JulesWeb3writer